Securely share photos and videos with loved ones using BIGASUO cloud photo frame through a protected network encryption channel. Simply connect the frame to WIFI, invite unlimited friends, and easily share moments via the "Uhale" app. Upload photos from your computer through "Uhale" Web.
Enjoy a high-definition 10.1 inch IPS touch screen display on this smart picture frame, offering a resolution of 1280*800 and a 180° viewing angle. The touch screen design allows for easy browsing, brightness adjustment, and slideshow viewing.
The electronic photo frame features auto rotation, allowing photos to adjust based on frame position. With 32GB of built-in memory and SD card storage, you can store over 50,000 pictures and play external videos directly.
Customizable settings include frame display options, playback modes, sleep settings, slideshow options, and sound/brightness adjustments.
Watch videos of special moments on the digital frame, displaying memories vividly in front of you. Play videos from an SD card or transfer them via the "Uhale" app for viewing pleasure. (Note: No time limit for SD card video uploads; 2-minute limit for videos via Uhale app)